Your Trusted Partner
Being in industry for more than 16+ years with engineering background we have learned that clients are looking for the solution which fits to their purpose or fix their process problem. We at Connsure solution Pvt LTD, provide a variety of cutting-edge business solutions to the industries which helps them become more flexible, efficient in general and improve their efficiencies on a large scale. We provide solutions that are a good fit for any company’s purpose/vision.
What We do?
An enterprise information system is a complex structure. This system is always changing and as the complexity of the system increases, it becomes ever more difficult to maintain information security and protect resources essential to the operation of the organization. We help you tackle all these problems and many more.
- We use cloud-based technology to keep your information safe.
- Our Mobility Enablement initiative helps through the whole process, from making an enterprise ‘s mobility strategy to choosing a platform.
- We offer ready-to-deploy solutions to help you get to market faster.
- We also provide advisory services for management of your projects.
Industries we are contributing for IIoT /Automation Solutions
- Renewable Energy
- Pharmaceuticals
- Fertilizers & Chemicals
- Oil & Gas Industry
- Power & Energy
- Equipment/Package Manufacturers
- CGD and Transportation
- Energy Transmission & Distribution
- Small Process Plant
“We strive to be a global leader offering complete range of solutions to the industries and individual fit for their purpose/vision”

- The client’s expectations are understood.
- Our in-house concept engineering proposes an integrated solution.
- Brainstorming with the client’s specialist and the end user team
- Full proof testing/prototype testing/poc testing
- Redesign for the final result
- Implementation, monitoring, feedback and improvement if any
- Sustainability and support
- Long-term win-win relationship